- A Willing Foe and Sea Room -


Here are the conventions where we will be running games:

Historicon 2025 Jun 16, 2025 - Jun 20, 2025 Lancaster Convention Center, Lancaster PA
Events: We will be at Historicon this summer. Schedule of events TBD.

Please contact us for support if you will be running ATG games at your convention!

Admiralty Trilogy Group System Change Log

This document lists changes to ATG game rules, combat and sensor models. It does not list errata, definded as errors or inconstencies in the rules or annex information. Those are listed in separate errata rules for each product, and are available for download on ATG's game support page. Changes can be caused by new information, clarifacations, expansions to cover new situations, refinements to combat or sensor models, or simplifcations. Each change willl include the date of the change, a description, any references to supporting information, and which rules or products are affected.
Change Log as of OCT2024 (.pdf)

Admiralty Trilogy Group Press Releases

Feb 7, 2025 New Book On Wargaming Available

Matt Caffrey's second edition of On Wargaming Volume Two, The Application of Wargaming is available for purchase in pdf and hard copy at the Wargame Vault. See the Books page.

Nov 8, 2024 Command at Sea - An Important Announcement

We are making progress in the development of CaS 5th edition, so it's time to take the fourth edition "off the shelf". We don't want anyone buying a copy of CaS to have it almost immediately replaced by a new edition. We will leave the 4th edition up and available for sale until December 1st. At that time, we will remove the CaS 4th rules and the Player's Handbook from circulation. We'll leave the Jumpstart and Critical Hit tables in place because they're free. They will also be replaced by new versions when the 5th edition is released. The Fleet series Annex books will be automatically updated to 5th edition standard after the rules are finished. Players will not have to buy new annex books, although there will be new print versions if you want them. We will leave the Japanese translation of the 4th edition rules in print until our Team Nihon can translate the new edition.

Aug 12, 2024 New Admiralty Trilogy Procedures

Because our products are living documents, they change. We correct errors, expand rules to cover new situations, and update older documents so that they remain consistent with newly released products. Frankly, it’s a pain to keep track of the changes, but it’s absolutely necessary. Without proper documentation, there is only chaos.
And if it’s hard for the ATG staff to keep track, it must be even harder for the folks who play our games.

So, let’s make it easier for everyone.
• From now on, all our products will include two dates on the cover - one for the last printing and one for the last digital update. We should have been doing this since Day one.

• We’ve gotten a lot of positive response to using red text in the rules for changes, so we’re going to extend the same policy to the annexes. Like the rules, after an annex is printed (all black text), changes to the file will be made in red. The red color will be retained until the next printing, when it will revert to black. We believe this will help players to absorb the changes as we implement them without blowing a mental gasket or two. This will not apply to the upcoming maintenance releases of America’s Navy, America’s Aircraft, Russia’s Navy, and Russia’s Aircraft since their updates were well along before this decision was made. We expect it will first be used with the Fleet series reissues, which will happen after Command at Sea 5th edition is finished.

• We’ve added a new feature to our webpage, called the "Change Log." Everyone who buys our products (hopefully) knows about the errata we collect. Because our products are living documents, we can correct any inconsistencies or errors and upload a new .pdf. The errata lists those corrections, primarily for folks who have purchased the print version. Errata for our products is available on the Game Support section of ATG's web page.

While changes to the rules are documented with NSITREP articles and are now marked with red in the published products, there are numerous smaller tweaks and adjustments to the weapons and sensor models that are not well-documented. This is not the same as errata. Corrections or inconsistencies in published products are of course corrected in the Master draft for that product, in the Master annexes, and are collected in an errata for each product, which is available online. A “change” usually results from analysis or new information that changes our understating of how a weapon or sensor behaves. It’s adjusting a formula or changing a value so that (in our opinion) the game is a little bit closer to reality. A refinement.

A typical example is our decision that the AK-630 30mm, with a self-contained fire control system, fitted to older Soviet ships should not have a FC system modifier lower than 1.5. Another might be deciding that a radar does not have a particular feature. These changes are usually based on new information, and sometimes on a deeper examination of how things fit together. The reasoning behind these changes needs to be recorded somewhere that is easily found. The Change Log will describe each change after it is made, the date it was implemented, and which products were affected. This will help preserve corporate memory for the designers, help reviewers check the correctness of the products, and will alert players as to why some values have been changed. It will also be useful for our foreign-language editors, to help them stay consistent with the English-language version.

Most of the changes will be for Harpoon, but the Change Log covers the entire ATG game system. Any model changes in any game will be documented. We will also record upload dates of new files for existing products. We may post other information on the page as it evolves.

We’ll also put an alert on our Facebook page to let people know when the Change Log has been updated.

Apr 26, 2023 New Naval Sitrep, Chinese and Japanese Products

The April 2023 Naval Sitrep #64 is now available or our Naval Sitreps page. Also, Chinese and Japanese translations of some of our products are available for sale on WargameVault and you can now link to them directly from our website.

May 1, 2022 New Naval SITREP

Naval SITREP #62 is now available for purchase at the WargameVault or our Naval Sitreps page.

May 1, 2022 Updated Harpoon Scenario Book available

South Atlantic War 3rd Edition is now available at WargameVault and our Harpoon product page.

Mar 15, 2022 New Dawn of the Battleship scenario book

In Mahan's Wake is now available on WargameVault and our Dawn of the Battleship product page.

Oct 27, 2021 New Naval SITREP

Naval SITREP #61 is now available for purchase at the WargameVault or our Naval Sitreps page.

Oct 1, 2021 China's Navy Harpoon Annex

Our latest product: China's Navy is now available for purchase at the WargameVault. This includes data for Chinese ships, aircraft, sensors, and weapons for use in Harpoon scenarios.

Jun 1, 2021 June 2021 - Second Printing

We are releasing updated versions of the Harpoon V Rules, the Player's Handbook, Expanded Critical Hit tables, Jumpstart, America's Navy, America's Aircraft, Russia's Navy, and Russia's Aircraft. These will replace the current 1 January 21 .pdf upload, and the 3 July 2020 (first) printing. The prices do not change.

The covers of the Rules, Handbook, and the Annex books will have "June 2021 Printing" added in the lower right corner.

The new .pdf versions will be available immediately on WargameVault for those who have already purchased them, at no cost.

Unfortunately, we cannot update the print versions the same way, or as quickly. While the files will be sent to our printer on 1 June, they must be approved and processed. When that is done, we can order a proof copy, which is sent to us by post. Once we have checked the proof, we can make the print versions available for sale again. The process usually takes about two weeks.

The only exceptions to this are the Jumpstart and the Expanded Critical Hit tables, which are free and only available in .pdf form. The current rules errata, which has grown to 14 pages (!) will be frozen, and a new errata for the June 21 (second) printing will be started. We will do the same with the errata for the other print books.

This is not going to be a regular Thing, but there have been enough corrections, clarifications, changes, tweaks, and refinements so that it's necessary.

Apr 23, 2021 Harpoon V Chinese Translation

Harpoon V is now available in Chinese

Harpoon V Chinese

The Admiralty Trilogy Group (ATG) is pleased to announce that Harpoon V, its award-winning tactical modern naval game system, has been translated into the Chinese language.

The initial release will consist of the rules book (“Yu Cha V”), the Player’s Handbook, which combines often-used tables and charts into a smaller booklet, and the Jumpstart and Expanded Critical Hit tables.

The Jumpstart and Expanded Critical Hit Tables are both free .pdfs designed to introduce players to the game, and to speed play.

Chang Lei, who recently joined ATG as Chinese-language editor, plans to translate other products for Harpoon, including America’s Navy, Russia’s Navy, America’s Aircraft, and Russia’s Aircraft, as well as upcoming titles like China’s Navy, and High Tide, second edition.

Beyond these titles, Mr. Chang will also translate other games in the ATG system, such as Dawn of the Battleship, into Chinese.

We are excited at the chance to connect with the large and active gaming community in China, and also expect that our interaction with them will improve the game for all players.

The four Chinese-language titles are available as downloadable .pdfs at the WargameVault.

Print versions of the rules and handbook will be available after the standard approval/proof process by the printer.

Email us with questions or suggestions at See our tactical naval game system at the WargameVault. Visit the Admiralty Trilogy Group Facebook page, our page (, or our Discord Group (

Harpoon V Chinese Products

Jul 22, 2020 HARPOON V

HARPOON V is now available

Harpoon version 5 is now available for purchase at WargameVault. For product details, see the Harpoon page on our website.

There are also new materials for Harpoon version 5 on our Game Support page.